Sunday, March 9, 2008

Quick Update

It's been a long weekend. I'll post more later this week, but suffice to say, my training is starting to catch up with me. We had a really good 3 hour 20 minute hike (including rests) on Saturday at Stoney Creek Metro Park. We hiked about 7 miles across the most consistently hilly terrain yet. It didn't feel like much when we were done, but a few hours later the fatigue snuck up on me and I dozed off on the couch while playing with my oldest daughter.

This morning I worked a bucket drive outside a local grocery store. Rather than simply accost people at the door, I got dressed up in my hiking boots and hat, backpacking pack and trekking poles. I then proceeded to spend 1 1/2 hours "hiking" on a home elliptical machine that my team mentor had dropped off while another teammate solicited for donations. I think it worked pretty well to get people's attention. We got a number of comments from people saying they could would have problems doing that for 5 minutes. When my teammate told them I'd be hiking 18 miles in one day, many would reply they'd be happy to do be able to a mile. Sometimes I wonder if I take my good health for granted. Regardless how healthy I am, I was beat by the end of my shift. I was --><-- this close to dozing off again shortly after I got home -- darn those parental responsibilities!

I'm really looking forward to tomorrow's rest day.

P.S. I stopped in to find out more about being a guest griller at BD's Mongolian BBQ. I'm discussing possible dates and locations with my fellow HFD teammates. Stay tuned.

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